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Levin, L.A. Dispersion, feeding behavior and competition in two spionid polychaetes.  Journal of Marine Research, 39: 99-117.  (1981)

Levin, L.A. and P.R. Greenblatt. Bottoms up:  Juvenile terebellid polychaetes feeding in the water column. Bull. Southern Acad. Sci., 80(3): 131-133.  (1981)

Levin, L.A.  Interference interactions among tube-building polychaetes in a dense infaunal assemblage.  J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 65: 107-119.  (1982)

Tegner, M.J. and L.A. Levin.  Do sea urchins and abalones compete in California kelp forest communities?  pp. 265-271 In J.M. Lawrence [ed.], International Echinoderm Conference, Tampa Bay, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam.  (1982)

Levin, L.A.  Drift tube studies of bay-ocean water exchange and implications for larval dispersal. Estuaries, 6(4): 364-371.  (1983)

Tegner, M.J. and L.A. Levin.  Spiny lobsters and sea urchins: analysis of a predator-prey interaction.  J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 73: 125-150.  (1983)

Levin, L.A.  Life history and dispersal patterns in a dense infaunal polychaete assemblage: Community structure and response to disturbance.  Ecology, 65(4): 1185-1200.  (1984)

Levin, L.A.  Multiple patterns of development in Streblospio benedicti Webster (Spionidae) from three coasts of North America.  Biol. Bull., 166: 494-508.  (1984)

Levin, L.A. and C.R. Smith.  Response of background fauna to disturbance and enrichment in the deep sea:  a sediment tray experiment.  Deep-Sea Res., 31(11): 1277-1285.  (1984)

Levin, L.A.  Effects of enrichment on reproduction in the opportunistic polychaete Streblospio benedicti (Webster): A mesocosm study. Biol. Bull., 171: 143-160. (1986)

Levin, L.A.  The influence of tides on larval availability in shallow waters overlying a mudflat.  Bulletin of Marine Science, 39(2): 224-233.  (1986)

Levin, L.A. and E.L. Creed. Effect of temperature and food availability on reproductive responses of Streblospio benedicti (Polychaete: Spionidae) with planktotrophic or lecithotrophic development.  Marine Biology, 92: 103-113.  (1986)

Levin, L.A., D.J. DeMaster, L.D. McCann and C.L. Thomas.  Effects of giant protozoans (class: Xenophyophorea) on deep-seamount benthos.  Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 29: 99-104.  (1986)

Levin, L.A.  Ecology of Konigshaven tidal flats.  Ecology, 68: 237-238.  (1987)

Levin, L.A., H. Caswell, K.D. DePatra and E.L. Creed.  The demographic consequences of development mode:  Planktotrophy vs. lecithotrophy in Streblospio benedicti.  Ecology, 68(6): 1877-1886.  (1987)

Levin, L.A. and C.A. Nittrouer.  Textural characteristics of sediments on deep seamounts in the eastern Pacific Ocean between 10°N and 30°N. in Seamounts Islands and Atolls, edited by B.H. Keating, P. Fryer, R. Batiza and G.W. Boehlert. Geophys. Monogr., 43: 187-203.  (1987)

Levin, L.A. and C.L. Thomas.  The ecology of xenophyophores (Protista) on eastern  Pacific seamounts.  Deep-Sea Res., 35(12): 2003-2027.  (1988)

Chu, J-W. and L.A. Levin.  Photoperiod and temperature regulation of growth and reproduction in Streblospio benedicit (Polychaeta: Spionidae). Invertebrate Reproduction and Development, 15(2): 131-  142.  (1989)

DePatra, K.D. and L.A. Levin.  Evidence of the passive deposition of meiofauna into fiddler crab burrows. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 125: 173-192.  (1989)

Kayen, R.E., H.J. Lee, W.C. Schwab, M.E. Torresan, J.R. Hein, P.J. Quintero and L.A. Levin. Morphology of sea-floor landslides on Horizon Guyot: application of steady-state geotechnical analysis: Deep-Sea Res., 36: 1817-1839.  (1989)

Levin, L.A. and C.L. Thomas.  The influence of hydrodynamic regime on infaunal assemblages inhabiting carbonate sediments on central Pacific seamounts.  Deep-Sea Res., 36(12): 1897-1915.  (1989)

McCann, L.D. and L.A. Levin.  Oligochaete influence on settlement, growth and reproduction in a surface-deposit-feeding polychaete.  J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 131: 233-253.  (1989)

Levin, L.A.  A review of methods for labeling and tracking marine invertebrate larvae.  OPHELIA, 32:: 115-144.  (1990)

Levin, L.A. and D.V. Huggett.  Implications of alternative reproductive modes for seasonality and demography in an estuarine polychaete.  Ecology, 7(6): 2191-2208.  (1990)

Wishner, K., L.A. Levin, M. Gowing and L. Mullineaux.  Involvement of the oxygen minimum in benthic zonation on a deep seamount.  Nature, 346(6279): 57-59.  (1990)

Levin, L.A.  Interactions between metazoans and large, agglutinating protozoans:  Implications for the community structure of deep-sea benthos.  American Zoologist, 31: 886-900.  (1991)

Levin, L.A., S. Childers and C.R. Smith.  Epibenthic, agglutinating foraminiferans in the Santa Catalina Basin and their response to disturbance.  Deep-Sea Research, 38: 465-483.  (1991)

Levin, L.A., L.D. McCann and C.L. Thomas.  The ecology of polychaetes on deep seamounts in the eastern Pacific Ocean.  Ophelia Suppl., 5: 467-476.  (1991)

Levin, L.A., J. Zhu and E.L. Creed.  The genetic basis of life-history characters in a polychaete exhibiting planktotrophy and lecithotrophy.  Evolution, 45:380-397. (1991)

Moy, L.D. and L.A. Levin.  Are Spartina marshes a replaceable resource?  A functional approach to evaluation of marsh creation efforts.  Estuaries, 14(1): 1-16.  (1991)

Levin, L.A., C.L. Thomas and K. Wishner.  Control of deep-sea benthic community structure by oxygen and organic-matter gradients in the eastern Pacific Ocean.  J. Mar. Res., 49: 763-800.  (1991)

Gooday, A.J., L.A. Levin, P. Linke and T. Heeger.  The role of benthic foraminifera in Deep-sea food webs and carbon cycling.  pp. 63-91.  In G.T. Rowe and V. Pariente (eds.) Deep-Sea Food Chains and the Global Carbon Cycle.  Kluwer Academic Publishers, the Netherlands.  (1992)

Gooday, A.J., L.A. Levin, C.L. Thomas and B. Hecker.  The distribution and ecology of Bathysiphon filiformis sars and B. major de folin (Protista, Foraminiferida) on the continental slope off North Carolina.  J. Foraminiferal Research, 22: 129-146.  (1992)

Levin, L.A. and A.J. Gooday.  Possible roles for xenophyophores in deep-sea carbon cycling. pp. 93-104 In: G.T. Rowe and V. Pariente (eds.)  Deep-Sea Food Chains and the Global Carbon Cycle.  Kluwer Academic Publishers, the Netherlands.  (1992)

Levin, L.A., D. Huggett, P. Myers, T. Bridges and J. Weaver.  Rare earth tagging methods for the study of larval dispersal by marine invertebrates.  Limnol. and Oceanogr., 38: 346-360.  (1993)

Levin, L.A., G. Plaia and C. Huggett.  The influence of natural organic enhancement on life histories and community structure of bathyal polychaetes.  In: C. Young and K. Eckelbarger, eds.  Invertebrate reproduction, larval biology and recruitment in the deep-sea benthos.  Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 261-283.  (1994)

Schaff, T., L. Levin, N. Blair, D. DeMaster, R. Pope and S. Boehme.  Spatial heterogeneity of benthos on the North Carolina continental slope: Large (100-km)-scale variation.  Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser., 88: 143-  160.  (1994)

Levin, L.A.  Paleoecology and ecology of xenophyophores.  Palaios, 9: 32-41.  (1994)

Levin, L.A., E.L. Leithold, T.F. Gross, C.L. Huggett and C. DiBacco.  Contrasting effects of substrate mobility on infaunal assemblages inhabiting two high-energy settings on Fieberling Guyot.  J. Mar. Research, 52: 489-522  (1994)

Bridges, T.S., L.A. Levin, D. Cabrera and G. Plaia.  Effects of sediment amended with sewage, algae or hydrocarbons on growth and reproduction in two opportunistic polychaetes.  J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 177: 99-119.  (1994)

Levin, L.A. and T.S. Bridges.  Control and consequences of alternative development modes in a poecilogonous polychaete.  American Zoologist, 34: 323-332.  (1994)

Wishner, K.F., C.J. Ashjian, C. Gelfman, M. Gowing, L. Kann, L.A. Levin, L.S. Mullineaux and J. Saltzman.  Pelagic and benthic ecology of the lower interface of the eastern tropical Pacific oxygen minimum zone. Deep-Sea Research. 42: 93-115 (1995)

Blair, N.E., G.R. Plaia, S.E. Boehme, D.J. DeMaster and L.A. Levin.  The remineralization of organic carbon on the North Carolina continental slope.  Deep-Sea Research. 41: 755-766 (1994)

DeMaster, D.J., R.H. Pope, L.A. Levin and N.E. Blair.  Biological mixing intensity and rates of organic carbon accumulation in North Carolina Slope sediments.  Deep-Sea Research.  41: 735-753 (1994)

Schaff, T.S. and L.A. Levin.  Spatial heterogeneity of benthos associated with biological structures on the North Carolina continental slope. Deep-Sea Research.  41: 901-918 (1994)

Levin, L.A. and C. DiBacco.  The influence of sediment transport on short-term recolonization by seamount infauna.
  Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 123: 163-175. (1995)

Levin, L.A. and T. Bridges.  Pattern and diversity in reproduction and development. p. 1-48 In: Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. CRC Press, Boca Raton. (1995)

Levin, L.A., D. Talley and G. Thayer. Succession of macrobenthos in a created salt marsh. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 141: 67-82. (1996)

Blair, N.E., L.A. Levin , D.J. DeMaster and G. Plaia. The short-term fate of fresh algal carbon in continental slope sediments. Limnology and Oceanography 41: 1208-1219. (1996)

Levin, L., H. Caswell, T. Bridges, C. DiBacco, D. Cabrera and G. Plaia.  Demographic responses of estuarine polychaetes to pollutants: life table response experiments. Ecological Applications 6: 1295-1313. (1996)

Levin, L.A., N.Blair, D.J. DeMaster, G. Plaia, W. Fornes, C. Martin and C. Thomas.  Rapid subduction of organic matter by maldanid polychaetes on the North Carolina slope. J. Mar. Res. 55: 595-611 (1997)

Levin, L. and S. Edesa.  The ecology of cirratulid mudballs on the Oman Margin. Marine Biology 128: 671-678. (1997)

Levin, L.A., J. Gage, P. Lamont, L. Cammidge, A. Patience and C. Martin. Infaunal community structure in a low-oxygen organic rich habitat on the Oman margin. pp. 223-230. In: L. Hawkins, S. Hutchinson, A. Jenson, J. Williams and M. Sheader, eds. Responses of Marine Organisms to Their Environment. 30th European Marine Biology Symposium. Southampton, Southampton Oceanography Centre.  (1997)

Levin, L.A., D. Talley, T. Talley, A. Larson, A. Jones, G. Thayer, C. Currin, C. Lund. Restoration of Spartina marsh function: An Infaunal Perspective. Pp. 190-194 In: K.B. Macdonald and F. Weinmann (ed).  Wetland and Riparian Restoration: Taking a Broader View. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Seattle, Washington. (1997)

Levin, L., T. Talley and J. Hewitt. Macrobenthos of Spartina foliosa (Pacific Cordgrass) saltmarshes in southern California: Community structure and comparison to a Pacific mudflat and a Spartina alterniflora (Atlantic Smooth Cordgrass) marsh. Estuaries 21:129-144. (1998)

Levin, L.A. and J.D. Gage. Relationships between oxygen, organic matter and the diversity of bathyal macrofauna. Deep-Sea Research 45: 129-163. (1998) Link to PDF

Smith, C.R., L.A. Levin and L.S. Mullineaux. Deep-Sea Biodiversity: A tribute to Robert R. Hessler. Deep-Sea Research. 45: 1-11. (edited volume) (1998)

Thistle, D. and L. Levin. The effect of experimentally increased near-bottom flow on metazoan meiofauna at a deep-sea site, with comparison data on macrofauna. Deep-Sea Research  45: 625-638. (1998)

Rice, S. A. and L. A. Levin.  Streblospio gynobranchiata, a new spionid polychaete species (Annelida:Polychaeta) from Florida and the Gulf of Mexcio with an analysis of phylogenetic relationships within the genus Streblospio. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 111: 694-707. (1998)enus Streblospio. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 111: 694-707. (1998)

Levin, L., N. Blair, C. Martin, D. DeMaster, G. Plaia and C. Thomas.  Macrofaunal processing of phytodetritus at two sites on the Carolina margin: In situ experiments using 13C-labeled diatoms.  Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 182: 37-54 (1999)

Fornes, W.L., D.J. DeMaster, L.A. Levin and N.E. Blair. Bioturbation and particle transport in Carolina Slope sediments: A radiochemical approach. J. Mar. Res. 57: 335-355. (1999)

Parker, E.D., Jr., V.E. Forbes, S.L. Nielsen, C. Ritter, C. Barata, D.J. Baird, W. Admiraal, L.A. Levin, V. Loeschckel, P. Lyytikäinen-Saarenmaa, H. HØgh-Jensen, P. Calow. Stress in ecological systems. Oikos (Forum) 86: 179-184. (1999).

Thistle, D. and L.A. Levin., A.J. Gooday, O. Pfannkuche and P.J.D. Lambshead. Physical reworking by near-bottom flow alters the metazoan meiofauna of Fieberling Guyot  (northeast Pacific).  Deep Sea Research.  46: 2041-2052. (1999). Link to PDF

Talley, T. and L. A. Levin. Macrofaunal succession and community structure in Salicornia marshes of southern California. Est. Coastal. Shelf Sci. 49:713-741. (1999) Link to PDF

Levin, L.A., J.D. Gage, C. Martin and P.A. Lamont. Macrobenthic community structure within and beneath the oxygen minimum zone, NW Arabian Sea. Deep-Sea Research Special Volume: Benthic Processes in the Arabian Sea.  Deep-Sea Research Part II 47: 189-226. (2000)

Gage, J.D., L.A. Levin and G.A. Wolff (editors). 2000. Benthic processes in the deep Arabian Sea: Introduction and overview. Deep-Sea Research Part II. Volume 47: 1-8 (2000) Link to PDF

Smith,, CR, L. A. Levin, D.J. Hoover, M. Cremer, G. McMurtry, and J. D. Gage Variations in bioturbation across the oxygen minimum zone in the northwest Arabian Sea Deep-Sea Research Part II 47: 227-257 (2000). Link to PDF

Gooday, A.J.,  J.M. Bernhard, L.A. Levin and S. Suhr.  Foraminifera in the Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone and other oxygen-deficient settings: taxonomic composition, diversity and relation to metazoan faunas. Deep-Sea Research Part II 47: 25-54. (2000). Link to PDF

Cook, A.A., P.J.D. Lambshead, L.E. Hawkins, N. Mitchell and L.A. Levin. Nematode abundance at the oxygen minimum zone in the Arabian Sea. Deep-Sea Research Part II 47: 75-85 (2000). Link to PDF

Rathburn, A.E., L.A. Levin, Z. Held and K.C. Lohmann. Benthic foraminifera associated with cold methane seeps on the northern Californian margin: Ecology and stable isotope composition. Marine Micropaleontology 38: 247-266 (2000) Link to PDF

DiBacco, C. and L.A. Levin. Development and application of elemental fingerprinting to track the dispersal of marine invertebrate larvae. Limnol. And Oceanograaphy 45: 871-880 (2000) Link to PDF

Levin, L.A., D.W. James, C.M. Martin, A. Rathburn, L. Harris and R. Michener.  2001. Do methane seeps support distinct infaunal assemblages?  Observations on community structure and nutrition from the northern California slope and shelf. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 208: 21-39 Link to PDF

Levin, L.A. and T. Talley. 2000. Influences of vegetation and abiotic environmental factors on salt marsh benthos. In: Weinstein, M.P. and D..A. Kreeger (eds). Concepts and controversies in tidal marsh ecology. Kluwer Academic Publ., Amsterdam, Netherlands. Pp. 661-708.

Talley, T.S., J.A. Crooks, and L.A. Levin. 2001. Habitat utilization and alteration by the burrowing isopod, Sphaeroma quoyanum in California salt marshes Mar. Biology 138: 561-573. Link to PDF

Talley, T.S and LA Levin. 2001. Modification of sediments and macrofauna by an invasive marsh plant. Biological Invasions 3 (1): 51-68. Link to PDF

Gooday AJ, Hughes, JA, Levin, LA. 2001. The foraminiferan macrofauna from three North Carolina (U.S.A.) slope sites with contrasting carbon flux: a comparison with the metazoan macrofauna. Deep-Sea Research I, 48: 1709-1739. Link to PDF

Levin, L.A. RJ Etter, MA Rex, AJ Gooday, CR Smith, J. Pineda, CT Stuart, RR Hessler, D. Pawson. 2001. Environmental Influences on Regional Deep-Sea species diversity. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 132: 51-93 Link to PDF

Levin LA, Boesch DF, Covich A., Dahm, C, Erseus, C, Ewel, K, Kneib R, Moldenke A., Palmer M., Snelgrove P Strayer D, Weslawski J. 2001. The role of sediment biodiversity in the function of marine critical transition zones. Ecosystems 4: 430-451. Link to PDF

Ewel, K., C. Cressa, R. Kneib, P.Lake, L. Levin, M. Palmer and P. Snelgrove.. 2001. Managing Critical Transition Zones. Ecosystems 4: 452-460

Neira, C, Sellanes, J, Levin, LA, Arntz, WA. 2001. Meiofaunal distributions on the Peru margin: relationship to oxygen and organic matter availability. Deep-Sea Research 48: 2453-2472. Link to PDF

Levin, LA, Gooday, AJ, James, D. 2001. Dressing up for the deep: Agglutinated protozoans adorn an irregular urchin. J. Mar. Biol. Association UK 81: 881-882. Link to PDF

Blair, N.E., Levin, L.A., DeMaster, D.J., Plaia, G., Martin, C, Fornes, W., Thomas, C. and Pope, R., The biogeochemistry of carbon in continental slope sediments. In: Organism-Sediment Interactions Symposium. J. Aller. S. Woodin and R. Aller (editors). Belle W. Baruch Library in Marine Science, Columbia, South Carolina. (in press)

Levin L, Gutierrez D, Rathburn A, Neira C Sellanes J, Muñoz P, Gallardo V ,M. In press. Benthic processes on the Peru Margin: A transect across the oxygen minimum zone during the 1997-98 El Niño Progr. Oceanography Link to PDF

Davis, JL and LA Levin. 2002. Importance of pre-recruitment life-history stages to population dynamics of the woolly sculpin, Clinocottus analis Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 234: 229-246. Link to PDF

Davis, JL, Levin, LA and S. Walther. 2002 Artificial armored shorelines: Introduction of open coast communities into a southern California Bay. Marine Biology 140: 1249-1262 Link to PDF

Shankle, AM, Goericke, R., Franks, PJS, Levin, LA Chlorin 2002. Distribution and degradation in sediments within and below the Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone. Deep-Sea Research 49: 953-969.

Levin, L.A. and R. Michener. 2002. Isotopic evidence of chemosynthesis-based nutrition of macrobenthos: The lightness of being at Pacific methane seeps. Limnol. Oceanogr. 47: 1336-1345. Link to PDF

Levin, L.A. 2002. Deep-ocean life where oxygen is scarce. American Scientist 90: 436-444. Link to PDF

Levin, L.A. and T.S. Talley. 2002. Natural and manipulated sources of heterogeneity controlling early faunal development of a salt marsh. Ecological Applications 12: 1785-1802. Link to PDF

DeMaster, D.J., Thomas, C.J., Blair, N.E., Fornes, W.L., Plaia, G., and Levin, L.A. 2002. Deposition of Bomb 14C in Continental Slope Sediments of the Mid-Atlantic Bight: Assessing Organic Matter Sources and Burial Rates. Dee-Sea Research II. 49 (20): 4667-4685.

Levin, L.A. and A. Gooday. 2003. The Atlantic. Ch. 5 in Ecosystems of the World: The Deep Sea. Elsiever, Amsterdam. Pp. 111-178. Link to PDF

Levin, L.A. 2003. Oxygen Minimum Zone Benthos: Adaptation and Community Response to Hypoxia. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 41: 1-45 Link to PDF

Levin, L.A., A.E. Rathburn, D. Gutierrez, P. Munoz, A. Shankle. 2003. Bioturbation by symbiont-bearing annelids in near-anoxic sediments: Implications for biofacies models and paleo-oxygen assessments. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 199: 129-140.

Helly, J. and L.A. Levin. Global distribution of naturally occurring marine hypoxia on continental margins. Submitted. Deep Sea Research. 51: 1159-1168. (2004) Link to PDF

Moseman, S., L. Levin, C. Currin and C. Forder. 2004. Infaunal colonization, succession and nutrition in a newly restored wetland at Tijuana Estuary, California. Est., Coastal and Shelf Sci. 60 : 755-770. Link to PDF

Robinson, C.A., J.M. Bernhard, L.A. Levin, S. Woodin,, and G.F. Mendoza. 2004. surficial hydrocarbon seep infauna from the Blake Ridge 9Atlantic ocean, 2150 m) and the Gulf of Mexico (690-2240 m). PZNI Marine Ecology. 25:313-336. Link to PDF

Weslawski, J. M., P. Snelgrove, M.C.V. Austen, T. Iliffe, R. T. Kneib, L.A. Levin, J.R. Garey, S.J. Hawkins,and R.B. Whitlatch. 2004. Marine sedimentary biota as providers of sustainable ecosystem services Chapter In: Sustaining Biodiversity and Functioning in Soils and Sediments, Island Press, Covelo, CA D. Wall (ed). pp. 73-98.

Snelgrove, P.V.R., M.C. Austen, S.J. Hawkins, T. Iliffe, R.T. Kneib, L.A. Levin, J. M. Weslawski, R.B. Whitlatch and J.R. Garey. 2004. Ecosystem services provided by marine sedimentary biota and their vulnerability to anthropogenic disturbance Chapter In: Sustaining Biodiversity and Functioning in Soils and Sediments, Island Press, Covelo, CA , D. Wall, (ed). pp. 161-192.

Ineson, P., Levin, L.A., Kneib R.T. , Hall, R. R.O. , Weslawski, J.M., Bardgett, R.D., Wardle, D.A. , Wall, D.H., vander Putten, W.H., Zadeh, H. 2004. Cascading effects of Deforestation on Ecosystem services across soils and freshwater and marine sediments. In: Sustaining Biodiversity and Functioning in Soils and Sediments, Island Press, Covelo, CA D. Wall (ed). Pp. 225-248.

Gallardo, V.A., M. Palma, F.D. Carrasco, D. Gutierrez, .L.A. Levin and J.I. Canete. 2004. Macrobenthic zonation caused by the oxygen minimum zone on the shelf and slope off central Chile. Deep Sea Research II. 51: 2475-90.

Becker, B.J., Fodrie, J.F., McMillan, P. and Levin, L.A. 2005. Spatial and temporal variation in trace elemental fingerprints of mytilid mussel shells: A precursor to invertebrate larval tracking. Limnology and Oceanography. 50: 48-61. Link to PDF

Neira, C., L.A. Levin, and T. Grosholz. 2005. Benthic macrofaunal communities of three Spartina-hybrid invaded sites in San Francisco Bay, with comparison to uninvaded habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 292: 111-126. Link to PDF

Levin, L. A. 2005. Ecology of cold seep sediments: Interactions of fauna with flow, chemistry, and microbes. Oceanography and Marine Biology, an Annual Review. 43: 1-46. Link to PDF

Blankenship L., Yayanos, A., Cadien, D., Levin, L. Vertical zonation patterns of scavenging amphipods from the Hadal zone of the Tonga and Kermadec trenches. Deep-Sea Research. 53:48-61 (2006) RESEARCH Link to PDF

Arntz, W.E., V.A. Gallardo, D. Guteierrez, E. Isla, L.A. Levin, J. Mendo, C. Neira, G. Rowe, J. Tarazona and M. Wolff. ENSO and similar perturbation effects on the benthos of the Humboldt, California and Benguela Current upwelling ecosystems. Advances in Geosciences 6: 243-265. (2006)

Levin, L.A., W. Ziebis, G.F. Mendoza, V. Growney - Cannon, S. Walther. Recruitment response of methane-seep macrofauna to sulfide and surrounding habitat J. Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 330: 132-150. (2006). Link to PDF

Oliver, P. Graham. and Levin, L.. A New Species of the family Thyasiridae (Mullusca:Bivalvia) from the oxygen minimum zone of the Pakistan Margin. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K. 86: 411-416. (2006). Link to PDF

Levin, L.A., Neira, C., Grosholz, E.D. Invasive cordgrass modifies wetland trophic function. Ecology 87: 419-432. (2006). Link to PDF

Levin, L.A. 2006. Recent Progress in Understanding Larval Dispersal: New Directions and Digressions. Integrative and Comparative Biology 46: 282-297. Link to PDF

DiBacco C., L. Levin and E. Sala. Ch 7. Connectivity in marine systems: the importance of larval and spore dispersal. In; Connectivity Conservation. Kevin R. Crooks and M. A. Sanjayan. Editors. Cambridge Univ. Press. In Press.

Neira, C., E.D. Grosholz, L. A. Levin, R. Blake. Mechanisms generating modification of benthos following tidal flat invasion by Spartina (alterniflora x foliosa) hybrid. Ecological Applications 16: 1391-1404. (2006). Link to PDF

Whitcraft C.R.  and Levin, L.A. 2007. Light-mediated regulation of the sediment ecosystem by salt marsh plants. Ecology 88: 904-917. Link to PDF

Levin,L.A. and G. Mendoza. 2007.  Community structure and nutrition of deep methane seep macroinfauna from the Aleutian Margin and Florida Escarpment, Gulf of Mexico.  Marine Ecology 28: 131-151. Link to PDF

Becker, B.J., Levin, L.A., Fordrie, F.J. and McMillan, P.A. 2007. Complex larval retention patterns in marine invertebrates. PNAS  104: 3267-3272. Link to PDF

Blankenship, L.E. and L.A. Levin. 2007. Extreme food webs: foraging strategies and diets of scavenging amphipods from the ocean’s deepest 5 km. Limnology and Oceanograph 52: 1685-1697. Link to PDF

Neira C., Levin, L.A., Edwin D. Grosholz &  Guillermo Mendoza. 2007. Invader plant succession structures macroinvertebrate communities through soil modification.  Biological Invasions. 8: 683-695. Link to PDF

Janousek, C., Currin, C. and L.A. Levin. 2007. Succession of microalgae and phototrophic bacteria in a restored marine wetland: a functional group perspective. Estuaries and Coasts 30(2):265-276.

Woulds, C., Greg L. Cowie, Lisa A. Levin, Henrik Andersson, Sandra Vandewiele, Peter A. Lamont, Kate Larkin, Andy Gooday, Stephanie Schumacher . 2007. Oxygen As A Control On The Biological Cycling Of Organic Matter. Limnology and Oceanography. 52: 1698-1709 (2007) Link to PDF

Levin, L.A., J. Barry, H. Felbeck, C. Smith and C. Young (editors). Advances in Vent, Seep,  Whale- and Wood-Fall Biology. Marine Ecology 28: 1-2 (2007). Link to PDF

Dobretsov, S., Xiong, H., Xu, Y., Levin, L.A. and Qian, P.Y. 2007. Novel antifoulants: inhibition of larval attachment by proteases. Marine Biotechnology.DOI:10.1007/s10126-007-7091-z  Volume 1-9. Springer Science. Link to PDF

Grosholz, E.D. Levin, L.A., Tyler C. and Neira, C. Changes in community structure and ecosystem function following Spartina alterniflora invasion of Pacific estuaries    Submitted. Chapter IN: Anthropogenic modification of North American Salt Marshes.  B. Silliman, M. Bertness, E. Grosholz (editors). Link to PDF

Thorrold, S.R., Zacherl, D.C., Levin, L.A. 2007. Quantifying population connectivity via larval dispersal using geochemical signatures in calcified structures. Oceanography 20: 80-89. Link to PDF

Fodrie, F. J. and L. A. Levin. 2008.  Linking juvenile habitat utilization to population dynamics of California halibut. Limnology and Oceanography 53: 799-812. Link to PDF

Andersson, J.H., C. Woulds, M. Schwartz, G. Cowie, L. Levin, K. Soetart, J. J. Middelburg. 2008. Short-term fate of phytodetritus across the Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone. Biogeosciences 5: 43-53. Link to PDF

Moseman, S.,  Zhang, R., Qian, P.Y. and Levin, L.A. 2008. Diversity and functional responses of nitrogen-fixing microbes to three wetland invations. Biol. Invasions. Link to PDF
DOI 10.1007/s10530-008-9227-0

Whitcraft, C.R., L.A. Levin, D. Talley and J.A. Crooks. 2008. Utilization of invasive tamarisk by salt marsh consumers. Oecologia DOI 10.1007/s00442-008-1144-5. Link to PDF

Levin, L.A., C. Whitcraft, G. F. Mendoza, J. Gonzalez, G. Cowie. 2009. Oxygen and organic matter thresholds for benthic faunal activity on the Pakistan Margin oxygen minimum zone (700-1100 m), Deep-Sea Research II. 56: 449-471. Link to PDF

Gooday, A.J., L.A. Levin, Aranda da Silva, A., Bett, B., Cowie, G., Dissard, D., Gage, J., Hughes D., Jeffreys R., Larkin K., Murty, S.J., Shumaker, S, Whitcraft, C., Woulds, C. 2009 Faunal responses to oxygen gradients on the Pakistan margin: a comparison of foraminifera, macrofauna and megafauna. Deep-sea Research II. 56: 488-502. Link to PDF

Hughes, D.J., Lamont, P.A., Levin, L.A. Packer, M. and Gage, J.D. 2009. Macrofaunal community structure and bioturbation across the Pakistan margin Oxygen Minimum Zone, north-east Arabian Sea. Deep-sea Research II. 56: 434-448. Link to PDF

Woulds, C., Cowie, G., Andersson, J.H., Middelburg, J.J. and Levin, L.A. 2009. 13C tracer studies on the short-term fate of organic carbon in marine sediments: comparing the Pakistan margin to other regions. Deep-Sea Research II. 56: 393-402. Link to PDF

Cowie, G.L. and L. A. Levin. 2009. Benthic Biological and Biogeochemical Patterns and Processes Across an Oxygen Minimum Zone (Pakistan Margin, NW Arabian Sea). Deep-Sea Research II. 56: 261-270 Link to PDF

Rasmussen, L., Cornuelle, B.D., Levin, L.A. , Largier, J.L. DiLorenzo, E. 2008. Effects of small-scale features and local wind forcing on tracer dispersion and estimates of population connectivity in a regional scale circulation model. J. Geophys. Res. 114, C01012, doi:10.1029/2008JC004777

Basak, C., Rathburn, A.E., Perez, M.E., Martin, J.B. Kluesner, J.W., Levin, L.A., DeDeckker, P. Gieskes, J.M., Abriani, M. 2008. Carbon and oxygen isotope geochemistry of live (stained) benthic foraminifera from the Aleutian margin and the southern Australian Margin. Marine Micropaleontology 70, 89-101. Link to PDF

Rathburn, A. E., L. A. Levin, M. Tryon,, J.M. Gieskes, J. B. Martin, M.E. Pérez, F. J. Fodrie, C. Neira, G. Mendoza, P.A. McMillan, J. Adamic, J. Kluesner, W. Ziebis. 2009. Geological and biological heterogeneity of the Aleutian Margin (1965-4822 m). Progr. In Oceanography 80, 22-50. Link to PDF

Fodrie, F.J., L.A. Levin and A.E. Rathburn. High densities and depth-associated changes of epibenthic megafauna along the Aleutian margin from 2000-4200 m. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K. (in press). Link to PDF

Fodrie, J. , L. A. Levin and A.J.. Lucas. 2009. A role for population fitness in evaluating the nursery function of juvenile habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series 385: 39–49, 2009 Link to PDF

Levin, L.A., G.F. Mendoza, T. Konotchick, R. Lee. . 2009. Community structure and trophic relationships in Pacific hydrothermal sediments. Deep-Sea Research II. 56: 1632-1648. Link to PDF

Levin, L.A. and Dayton, P.K. In press. Ecological theory and continental margins: where shallow meets deep. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 24: 606-627. 10.1016/j.tree.2009.04.012 Link to PDF

Baco, A., Rowden, A., Levin, L., Smith, C. In press. Initial Characterization of Cold Seep Faunal Communities on the New Zealand Hikurangi Margin. Marine Geology 272: 251-259. Link to PDF

Thurber, A.R., Kröger, K., Neira, C., Wiklund, H. and L.A. Levin. 2010. Stable isotope signatures and methane use by New Zealand cold seep benthos . Marine Geology 272: 260-269. Link to PDF

Levin, L.A. W. Ekau, A. Gooday, F. Jorrisen, J. Middelburg, C. Neira, N. Rabalais, S.W.A. Naqvi, J. Zhang. 2009. Effects of natural and human-induced hypoxia on coastal benthos. Biogeosciences 6, 2063-2098 Link to PDF

Middelburg, J. and Levin, L.A. 2009. Coastal hypoxia and sediment biogeochemistry. Biogeosciences 6, 1273-1293. Link to PDF, Second PDF

Gooday, A.J., Jorissen, F., Levin, L.A., Middelburg, J.J, Naqvi, W., Rabalais, N., Scranton, M., Zhang, J. Historical records of coastal eutrophication and hypoxia Biogeosciences 6, 1-39 (2009). Link to PDF Second PDF

Neira, C., Delgadillo-Hinojosa, F., Zirino, A. Mendoza, G., Levin, L.A., Porrachia, M., Deheyn. Spatial distribution of copper in relation to recreational boating in a California shallow-water basin. Chemistry and Ecology 25:417 — 433 (2009) Link to PDF

Stramma, L., S. Schmidt, L.A. Levin, and G.C. Johnson. Ocean oxygen minima expansions and their biological impacts. Deep-Sea Research I 210: 587-595. (2010) Link to PDF

Levin, L.A., Mendoza, G.F., Gonzalez, J. and A. Thurber. Diversity of bathyal macrobenthos on the northeastern Pacific margin: the influence of methane seeps and oxygen minimum zones. Marine Ecology 31: 94-110 (2010) Link to PDF

Gooday, A.J., Bett, B.J., Escobar, E., Ingole, B., Levin, L.A., Neira, C. , Raman, A.V., Sellanes, J. Habitat heterogeneity and its relationship to biodiversity in oxygen minimum zones. Marine Ecology 31: 125-147 (2010) Link to PDF

Cordes, E.E., Da Chunha, M.R., Galeron, J. Mora, C. Olu-Le Roy, K. Sibuet, M. Van Gaver, S., Vanreusel, A. Levin, L. The influence of geological, geochemical, and biogenic habitat heterogeneity on seep diversity. Marine Ecology 31: 51-65. (2010) Link to PDF

Buhl-Mortensen L., Vanreusel A., Gooday, A.J., Levin L.A., Priede, I.G., Buhl-Mortensen P. Gheerardyn H., King N.J., Raes, M. Biological structures as a source of habitat heterogeneity and biodiversity on the deep ocean margins. Marine Ecology 31: 21-50 (2010) Link to PDF

Rabalais, N.N., R. J. Díaz, R.J. Levin, L.A. , Turner, R.E., Gilbert, D. and Zhang, J. Dynamics and distribution of natural and human-caused coastal hypoxia. Biogeosciences 7, 585–619 (2010) Link to PDF

Schander C. ; Rapp; Kongsrud; Bakken; Berge; Cochrane; Oug; Byrkjedal; Todt; Cedhagen; Fosshagen; Gebruk; Larsen; Levin; Obst; Pleijel; Stöhr; Waren; Mikkelsen; Hadler-Jacobsen; Keuning; Kvalø Heggøy; Thorseth; Pedersen. The fauna of hydrothermal vents on the Mohn Ridge (North Atlantic). Marine Biology Research 6, 155-171. (2010) Link to PDF

Zhang, J., Gilbert, D., Gooday, A., Levin, L., Naqvi, W. and 15 others. Natural and human-induced hypoxia and consequences for coastal areas: Synthesis and future development. Biogeosciences, 7, 1443–1467 (2010) PEER Link to PDF

Moseman-Valtierra, S.M., K.Armaiz-Nolla and L.A. Levin. 2010. Wetland response to sedimentation and nitrogen loading: diversification and functional decline of nitrogen fixing microbes. Ecological Applications 20, 1556-1568. Link to PDF

Levin, L.A.  and Crooks, J.  Functional consequences of species invasion.  Treatise on Estuaries and Coasts. Vol 7 chapter 4. In Press.

Ramirez-Llodra, E., Brandt, A., Danovaro, R., Escobar, E., German, C. R., Levin, L. A., Martinez Arbizu, P., Menot, L., Buhl-Mortensen, P., Narayanaswamy, B. E., Smith, C. R., Tittensor, D. P., Tyler, P. A., Vanreusel, A., and Vecchione, M Deep, diverse and definitely different: unique attributes of the world's largest ecosystem, Biogeosciences 7: 2551-2899 (2010). Link to PDF

Fodrie, F. J., Becker B. J., Levin, L.A., Gruenthal K., and McMillan P. Connectivity clues from short-term variability in settlement and geochemical tags of mytilid mussels. J. of Sea Research 65: 141-150. (2011). Link to PDF

Carson, H.S., Lopez-Duarte,, M.P., Wang, D. and Levin, L.A. Time series reveals how reproductive timing alters coastal connectivity. Current Biology 20: 1926-1931. (2010).

Quiroga, E. and L.A. Levin. Eunice pennata (Polychaeta: Eunicidae from active and passive cold seep sites in central and southern Chile (36o-46oS). Anales Instituto Patagonia (Chile), 2010. 38(2): 31-37. (2010).

Neira, C., Mendoza, G. Levin, L.A., Zirino, A. Delgadilloo-Hinojosa, F., Porrachia, M. Deheyn, D. Macrobenthic community response to copper in Shelter Island Yacht Basin, San Diego Bay, California. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 62: 701-717 (2011).

Bailey, J., Salman,V., Rouse,G. Orphan,V. Shulz-Vogt, H., Levin L. Dimorphic development in methane seep dwelling ecotypes of the largest known bacteria. ISME Journal. P. 1-10. 1751-7362/11 (2011).

Henry S. Carson, Geoff Cook, M. Paola Lopez-Duarte and Lisa A. Levin. Evaluating the importance of demographic connectivity in a marine metapopulation Ecology. In Press.

Ramirez-Llodra, E., Tyler, P.A., et al. Man and the last great wilderness: Human impact on the deep sea. PLOS One. 6(8): e22588. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022588 (2011)

Levin, L.A. and M. Sibuet. Understanding Continental Margin Biodiversity: A New Imperative. Ann. Rev. Mar. Sci. (2012) doi: 10.1146/annurev-marine-120709-142714

Currin, C.A., L.A. Levin, T.S. Talley, R. Michener, D. Talley. The role of cyanobacteria in southern California salt marsh food webs. Marine Ecology 32: 346-363

Van Dover CL, Smith CR, Ardron J, Dunn D, Gjerde K, Levin L and the Dinard Workshop Contributors. Uncharted Waters: Placing Deep-Sea Chemosynthetic Ecosystems In Reserve. Marine Policy (2011)

Guilini, K., Levin, LA, Vanreusel A. Cold seep and oxygen stress-induced heterogeneity affect nematode assemblages, diversity and nutrition at the Cascadian margin (NE Pacific Ocean). Progress in Oceanography 96: 77-92 (2012)

Hofmann, G.E., Smith, J.E., Johnson K.S., Send U., Levin L.A., Micheli F., Paytan A., Price, N.N., Peterson, B., Takeshita, Y., Matson, P., Crook, E.D., Kroeker, K.J., Gambi, M.C., Rivest, E.B., Frieder, C.A., Yu, P.C., Martz, T.R. High-frequency dynamics of ocean pH: a multi-ecosystem comparison. PLoS ONE 6(12): e28983. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028983 (2011)

Thurber, A.R., Levin, L.A., Orphan, V.J. and Marlow, J. Archaea in Metazoan Diets: Implications for Food Webs and Biogeochemical Cycling. The ISME Journal (2012)

Bernardino, A. Levin, L.A., Thurber, A., Smith, C. Comparative composition, diversity and trophic ecology of sediment macrofauna at vents, seeps and organic falls. PLoS ONE 7(4): e33515. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0033515 (2012)

Levin, L.A., V.J. Orphan, G.W. Rouse, W. Ussler, A. E. Rathburn, G. S. Cook, S. Goffredi, E. Perez, A. Waren, B. Grupe, G. Chadwick, B. Strickrott. A hydrothermal seep on the Costa Rica margin: Middle ground in a continuum of reducing ecosystems. Proc. Royal Soc. B. doi:10.1098/rspb.2012.0205 (2012)

Hunter, W.R., L.A. Levin, H. Kitazato, U. Witte. Macrobenthic assemblage structure and organismal stoichiometry control faunal processing of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen in oxygen minimum zone sediments. Biogeosciences 9, 993-1006 (2012)

C. A. Frieder, S. Nam, T. R. Martz and L. A. Levin. High temporal and spatial variability of dissolved oxygen and pH in a nearshore California kelp forest. Biogeosciences Discussion 9, 4099-4132, (2012)

Zirino, A., C. Neira, F. Maicu, L.A. Levin. Comments on and Implications of Steady-State in Coastal Marine Ecosystems. Chemistry and Ecology DOI:10.1080/02757540.2012.696613

Thornhill, D., Struck, T.H., Ebbe, B., Mendoza G., Levin, L., and Halaynch K. Adaptive Radiation in Extremophilic Dorvilleidae (Annelida): Diversification of a Single Colonizer or Multiple Independent Lineages? Ecology and Evolution 2: 1958-1970. DOI:10.1002/ece3.314 (2012)

Lopez-Duarte, P.C., Carson, H.S., Cook, G.S., Fodrie, F. J., Becker, B.J., DiBacco, C. and Levin, L.A. What Controls Connectivity? An Empirical, Multi-species Approach. Integrative and Comparative Biology. DOI:10.1093/icb/ics104 (2012)

Grant, S.B., J.D. Sahpores, D.L. Feldman, A.J. Hamilton, T. Fletchers, P. Cook, M. Stewardson, B.F. Sanders, L.A. Levin, R.F. Ambrose, A. Deletic, R. Brown, S.C. Jiang, D. Rosso, W.J. Cooper, and I. Marusic. Low-Energy Options for Making Water from Wastewater. Science 337:681-686. (2012)

Jeffreys R.M., Levin L.A., Lamont P.A., Woulds C., Whitcraft C.R., Mendoza G.F., Wolff G.A., Cowie G.L. Living on the edge: Single-species dominance at the Pakistan oxygen minimum zone boundary. Marine Ecology Progress Series 470:79-99. DOI:10.3354/meps10019 (2012)

Sweetman, A.K., Lisa A. Levin and Christoffer Schander. Diet and food web structure of macrofauna at Arctic hydrothermal vents. Marine Ecology Progress Series 473: 115-131. (2013)

Carson, H.S., Paola C. López-Duarte, Geoff S. Cook, F. Joel Fodrie, Bonnie J. Becker, Claudio DiBacco, and Lisa A. Levin. Temporal, spatial, and interspecific variation in geochemical tags within fish otoliths, bivalve larval shells, and crustacean larvae. Marine Ecology Progress Series 473:133-148. (2013)

Levin, Lisa A., Wiebke Ziebis, Guillermo F. Mendoza, Victoria J. Bertics, Tracy Washington, Jennifer Gonzalez, Andrew R. Thurber, Briggite Ebbe, Raymond W. Lee. Ecological release and niche partitioning under stress: Lessons from dorvilleid polychaetes in sulfidic sediments at methane seeps. Deep-Sea Research II, 92: 214-233. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.02.006 (2013)

Neira, C., I. King, G. Mendoza, J. Sellanes, P. de Ley, L. Levin. Nematode community structure along a central Chile margin transect influenced by the oxygen minimum zone. Deep-sea Research I 78: 1-15. (2013)

Neira, C., Levin, L.A., Mendoza, G., Zirino, A. Alteration of benthic communities associated with copper contamination linked to boat moorings. Marine Ecology 36: 46-66 DOI:10.1111/maec.12054 (2013)

Thurber, A.R., Levin, L.A., Rowden, A., Sommer, S., Linke, P., Kroger, K. Microbes, macrofauna and methane: a novel seep community fueled by aerobic methanotrophy. Limnology and Oceanography 58: 1640-1656. (2013)

Levin, L.A., McGregor, A.L., Mendoza, G.F., Woulds, C., Cross, P., Witte, U., Gooday, A.J., Cowie, G., Kitazato, H. Macrofaunal colonization across the India Margin oxygen minimum zone. Biogeosciences 10, 7161-7177 (2013)

Sperling, E.A., Frieder, C.A., Raman, A.V., Girguis, P.R., Levin, L.A. and Knoll, A.H. Oxygen, ecology and the Cambrian radiation of animals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi:10.1073/pnas.1312778110 (2013)

Mora C, Wei C-L, Rollo A, Amaro, T., Baco, AR., Billett, D., Bopp, L., Chen, Q., Collier, M., Danovaro, R., Gooday, A.J., Grupe, B.M., Halloran, P.R., Ingels, J., Jones, D.O.B., Levin, L.A., Nakano, H., Norling, K., Ramirez-Llodra, E., Rex, M., Ruhl, H.A., Smith, C.R., Sweetman, A.K., Thurber, A.R., Tjiputra, J.F., Usseglio, P., Watling, L., Wu, T., and Yasuhura, M. Biotic and human vulnerability to projected changes in ocean biogeochemistry over the 21st Century. PLoS Biology 11(10): e1001682. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001682 (2013)

Bowden, D.A., A.A. Rowden, A.R. Thurber, A. Baco, L.A. Levin, C.R. Smith. Cold seep epifaunal communities on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand: composition, succession, and vulnerability to human activities. PLoS ONE 8(10): e76869. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0076869 (2013)

Zapata-Hernández, Germán , Javier Sellanes, Andrew R. Thurber, Lisa A. Levin, Frédéric Chazalon, Peter Linke. New insights on the trophic ecology of bathyal communities from the methane seep area off Concepción, Chile (~36º S). Marine Ecology 35: 1-21 (2014)

Frieder, C.A., Gonzalez, J.P., Bockmon, E.B., Navarro, M.N., Lisa A. Levin. Evaluating ocean acidification consequences under natural oxygen and periodicity regimes: Mussel development on upwelling margins. Global Change Biology 20: 754-764. (2014)

Nordstroem, M., C. Currin, T. Talley and C. Whitcraft, and L. Levin. Benthic food-web succession in a developing salt marsh. Marine Ecology Progress Series 500: 3-55 (2014)

Sapir, A., Adler R Dillman, Stephanie A Connon, Benjamin M Grupe, Jeroen Ingels, Manuel Mundo-Ocampo, Lisa A Levin, James G Baldwin, Victoria J Orphan, Paul W Sternberg. Microsporidia-nematode associations in methane seeps reveal basal fungal parasitism in the deep sea. Frontiers in Aquatic Microbiology doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00043 (2014)

Zirino, A., Elwany, H., Neira, C., Maicu, F., Mendoza, G., and Levin, L.A., Salinity and its variability in the lagoon of Venice, 2000-2009. Advances in Oceanography and Limnology 5: 41-59. (2014)

Raman, Akkur V. , Damodaran, Rayaroth, Levin, Lisa A., Ganesh, Thiruchitrambalam , Rao, Y.K.V., Nanduri, Sateesh & Madhusoodhanan, Rakhesh. Macrobenthos relative to the oxyen minimum zone on the East Indian Margin, Bay of Bengal. Marine Ecology - an Evolutionary Perspective. 36:679-700 (2014)

Levin, Lisa A. Kon-Kee Liu, Kay-Christian Emeis, Denise L. Breitburg, James Cloern, Curtis Deutsch6, Michele Giani, Anne Goffart, Eileen E. Hofmann9, Zouhair Lachkar, Karin Limburg, Su-Mei Liu, Enrique Montes, Wajih Naqvi, Olivier, Ragueneau, Christophe Rabouille, Santosh Kumar Sarkar, Dennis P. Swaney, Paul Wassman, Karen F. Wishner. .Comparative biogeochemistry-ecosystem-human interactions on dynamic continental margins. Journal of Marine Systems 141: 3-17. (2015)

Mengerink, K.J., C.L. Van Dover, J. Ardron, M. Baker, E. Escobar-Briones, K. Gjerde, J. A. Koslow, E. Ramirez-Llodra, A. Lara-Lopez, D. Squires, T. Sutton, A.K. Sweetman, L.A. Levin. A Call for Deep-Ocean Stewardship. Science 344: 696-698. (2014)

Frieder, C.A., J.P. Gonzalez, and L.A. Levin. Uranium in larval shells as a barometer of molluscan ocean acidification exposure. Environmental Science and Technology, DOI:doi.org/10.1021/es500514j (2014)

Zapata-Hernández, G., Sellanes, J., Thurber, A.R., and Levin, L.A. Trophic structure of the bathyal benthos at an area with evidence of methane seep activity off southern Chile (~ 45° S) Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 94: 659-669. (2014)

Larkin, K.E., Gooday, A.J., Woulds, C., Jeffreys, R., Schwartz, M., Cowie, Whitcraft, C., Levin, L.A., Dick, J.R., Pond, D.W. Uptake of algal carbon and the synthesis of an" essential" fatty acid by Uvigerina ex. gr. semiornata (Foraminifera) within the Pakistan margin oxygen minimum zone: evidence from fatty acid biomarker and 13C tracer experiments Biogeosciences 11, 251-280. (2014)

Cook, G.S., P.E. Parnell. L.A. Levin. Population connectivity shifts at high frequency within an open-coast marine protected area network. PLoS ONE 9(7): e103654. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103654 (2014)

Navarro, M., Bockmon, E., Frieder, C. Gonzalez, J., Levin, L.A. Environmental pH, O2 and capsular effects on the geochemical composition of statoliths of embryonic squid Doryteuthis opalescens . Water, 6, 2233-2254. doi:10.3390/ w6082233 (2014)

Marlow, J.J., Steele, J.A., Ziebis, W., Thurber A.R., Levin, L.A. and Orphan, V.J. Carbonate hosted methanotrophy: an unrecognized methane sink in the deep sea. Nature Communications 5: 5094 DOI:10.1038/ncomms6094 (2014)

Marlow, J.J., Steele, J.A., Case, D.H. Connon, S.A., Levin, L.A. and V.J. Orphan. Microbial abundance and diversity patterns associated with sediments and carbonates from the methane seep environments of Hydrate Ridge, OR. Frontiers in Marine Science, Aquatic Microbiology. Vol. 1 Article 44 doi:10.3389/fmars.2014.00044 (2014)

Grupe, B.M., Krach, M.L., Pasulka, A.L., Maloney, J.M., Levin, L.A. and Frieder, C.A. Methane seep ecosystem functions and services from a newly-discovered seep off San Diego, California. Marine Ecology 36 (Suppl. 1) 91-108. (2015)

Gallo, N.D., Levin, L.A., Cameron, J., Hardy, K., Fryer, P. and Bartlett, D.H. Submersible and lander-observed community patterns in the Mariana and New Britain Trenches: influence of productivity and depth on benthic community structure. Deep-sea Research I. 99:119-133 (2015)

Burkett, Ashley M., Anthony E. Rathburn, M. Elena Perez, Lisa A. Levin, Harim Cha, Greg W. Rouse. Phylogenetic placement of Cibicidoides wuellertorfi (Foraminifera) from methane seeps and non-seep habitats on the Pacific margin. Geobiology 13: 44-52. (2015)

Levin, Lisa A. and Andrew. S. Mehring. Optimization of bioretention systems through application of ecological theory. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Water 2: 259-270. doi:10.1002/wat2.1072. (2015)

Moseman-Valtierra, Levin, L.A. S. Martin. Anthropogenic impacts on nitrogen fixation rates among restored and natural Mediterranean salt marshes. Marine Ecology. doi:10.1111/maec.12289 (2015)

Levin, L.A., Honisch, B. and Frieder, C. Geochemical proxies for estimating faunal exposure to ocean acidification. Oceanography 28: 56-67. (2015)

Breitburg, D.L., J. Salisbury, J.M. Bernhard, W.J. Cai, S. Dupont, S. Doney, K. Kroeker, L.A. Levin, C. Long, L.M. Milke, S.H. Miller, B. Phelan, U. Passow, B. A. Seibel, A. E. Todgham, A. Tarrant. And on top of all that. . .Coping with ocean acidification in the midst of many stressors. Oceanography 28: 48-61 (2015)

Maloney, J.M., Grupe, B.M., Pasulka, A.L., Dawson, K.S., Case, D.H., Frieder, C.A., Levin, L.A., Driscoll, N.W. Transpressional segment boundaries in strike-slip fault systems offshore southern California: Implications for fluid expulsion and cold-seep habitats. Geophysical Research Letters 42: 4080-4088 doi:10.1002/2015GL063778 (2015)

Nordstrom, M.C., Demopoulos, A.W.J., Whitcraft, C.R., Rismondo, A., McMillan, P., Gonalez, J.P. and Levin, L.A. Food web heterogeneity and succession in created salt marshes. Journal of Applied Ecology 52, 1343-1354 (2015)

Levin, L.A., Mendoza, G. Grupe B., Gonzalez, J. Jellison, B. Rouse, G. Thurber A. Waren A. Biodiversity on the rocks: macrofauna inhabiting authigenic carbonate at Costa Rica methane seeps. PLOS ONE 10(7): e0131080. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0131080 (2015)

Ramirez-Llodra, E., Trannum, H.C., Schaanning, M., Evenset, A., Flem, B., Finne, T.E., Andersson, M., Levin, L., A., Vanreusel, A., Hilario, A. Submarine and deep-sea mine tailing placements: a review of current practices, environmental issues, natural analogs and knowledge gaps in Norway and internationally. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 97: 13-35 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.05.062 (2015)

Mehring, A. and L.A. Levin Potential roles of soil fauna in improving the efficiency of rain gardens used as natural stormwater treatment systems. Journal of Applied Ecology 52 (6), 1445-1454. (2015)

Asal Askarizadeh, Megan A. Rippy, Tim D. Fletcher, David Feldman, Jian Peng, Peter Bowler, Andrew Mehring, Brandon Winfrey, Amir AghaKouchak, Sunny C. Jiang1, Brett F. Sanders, Lisa Levin, Scott Taylor, Stanley B. Grant. From rain tanks to catchments: Use of low-impact development to prevent and cure the urban stream syndrome. Environmental Science and Technology 49 (19), 11264-11280. DOI:10.1021/acs.est.5b01635 (2015)

Levin, Lisa A. and Nadine Le Bris. Deep oceans under climate change. Science 350: 766-768. (2015)

Neira, C., Mendoza, G., Porrachia, M., Stransky, C. and L.A. Levin. Macrofaunal recolonization of copper-contaminated sediments in San Diego Bay. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 101 (2), 794-804 (2015)

Case, D. H., Pasulka, A.L., Marlow J.J., Grupe, B. , Levin, L.A., Orphan, V.J. Methane seep carbonates host distinct, diverse, and dynamic microbial assemblages. Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology Reports. e01348-15 (2015)

Pasulka, A.L., Levin, L.A., Steele, J.A., Case, D.H., Landry, M.R. Orphan, V.J. Microbial eukaryote distribution and diversity patterns in a deep-sea methane seep ecosystem. Environmental Microbiology 18(9), 3022-3043 doi:10.1111/1462-2920.13185 (2016)

Sperling, E.A., Frieder, C.A., Levin, L.A. Biodiversity response to natural gradients of multiple stressors on continental margins. Proceeding Royal Society B. 283: 20160637. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2016.0637 (2016)

Gallo, N.D. and L.A. Levin. Fish ecology and evolution in the world's oxygen minimum zones and implications of ocean deoxygenation. Advances in Marine Biology. ARTICLE In Barbara E. Curry, editor: Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 74, AMB, UK: Academic Press pp. 117-198. (2016)

Levin, Lisa A. Amy R. Baco, David Bowden, Ana Colaco, Erik Cordes, Marina R. Cunha, Amanda Demopoulos, Judith Gobin, Ben Grupe, Jennifer Le, Anna Metaxas, Amanda Netburn, Greg Rouse, Andrew R. Thurber, Verena Tunnicliffe, Cindy Van Dover, Ann Vanreusel, and Les Watling. Hydrothermal vents and methane seeps: rethinking the sphere of influence. Frontiers in Marine Science 3:72. doi:10.3389/fmars.2016.00072 (2016)

Levin, Lisa A. Guillermo F. Mendoza and Ben Grupe Methane seepage effects on biodiversity and biological traits of macrofauna inhabiting authigenic carbonates. Deep-sea Research II 137: 26-41. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.05.021 (2017)

Le, Jennifer T., Lisa A. Levin, Richard T. Carson Incorporating ecosystem services into environmental management of deep seabed mining Deep-sea Research II 137: 486-503 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.08.007 (2017)

Sato, K.N., L. A. Levin, K Schiff. Habitat compression and expansion of sea urchins in response to changing climate conditions on the California continental shelf and slope (1994-2013). Deep-sea Research II 137: 377-389 (2017)

Burkett, AM, AE Rathburn, ME Pérez, LA Levin, J. Martin. Colonization of over a thousand Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi (foraminifera: Schwager, 1866) on artificial substrates in seep and adjacent off-seep locations in dysoxic, deep-sea environments. Deep-Sea Research Part I 117: 39-50. (2017)

Levin, Lisa A., Kathryn Mengerink, Kristina M. Gjerde, Ashley A. Rowden, Cindy Lee Van Dover, Malcolm R. Clark, Eva Ramirez-Llodra, Bronwen Currie, Craig R. Smith, Kirk N. Sato, Natalya Gallo, Andrew K. Sweetman, Hannah Lily, Claire W. Armstrong, Joseph Brider. Defining "Serious Harm" to the marine environment in the context of Deep-Seabed Mining. Marine Policy 74: 245-259 (2017)

Mehring, Andrew S., Belinda E. Hatt, Diana Kraikittikun, Barbara D. Orelo, Megan A. Rippy, Stanley B. Grant, Jennifer P. Gonzalez, Sunny C. Jiang, Richard F. Ambrose, Lisa A. Levin. Soil invertebrates in Australian rain gardens and their potential roles in storage and processing of nitrogen. Ecological Engineering 97 :138-143. (2017)

Navarro, M., Kwan, G., Batalov, O., Choi, C. Levin, L.A. Development of embryonic market squid, Doryteuthis opalescens, under chronic exposure to low environmental pH and [O2]. PLOS ONE 11(12): e0167461. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0167461 (2017)

Neira, C., G. Mendoza, J. Cossaboon, E. Hoh, L.A. Levin. Occurrence and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments of San Diego Bay marinas. Marine Pollution Bulletin 114: 466-479. (2017)

Pasulka, A., Goffredi, S.K., Tavormina, P.L., Dawson, K.S., Levin, L.A., Rouse, G.W., Orphan, V.J. Folliculinid ciliates influence methane cycling and microbial diversity within methane seep ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science. 3:276. doi:10.3389/fmars.2016.00276 (2017)

Hansman, Roberta L., Andrew R. Thurber, Lisa A. Levin, and Lihini I. Aluwihare. Methane fates in the benthos and water column at cold seep sites along the continental margin of Central and North America. Deep-Sea Research I 201: 122-131. (2017)

Sweetman, A.K., Thurber, A.R., Smith, C.R., Levin, L.A., Mora, C. Wei, C.L., Gooday, Jones, D.O.B., Rex, M. Yasuhara, M., Ingels, J., Ruhl, H.A., Frieder, C.A., Roberto, D., Wurzberg, L., Baco, A. Grupe, B.M., Pasulka, A. Meyer, K.S., Dunlop, K.M., Henry, L.A., Roberts, J.M., Major impacts of climate change on deep seafloor ecosystems. Elementa DOI:https://doi.org/10.1525/elementa.203 (2017)

Mehring, A.S., L.A. Levin, V. Evrar, S.B. Grant, P.L. M. Cook Enhancement of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide flux by oligochaetes and chironomids in urban wetlands. Ecological Applications 27: 1852-1861. (2017)

Parker, E., Rippy, M., Mehring, A., Winfrey B., Ambrose, R., Levin, L. Grant, S.B. The Predictive Power of Clean Bed Filtration Theory for Fecal Indicator Bacteria Removal in Stormwater Biofilters. Environmental Science and Technology. DOI:10.1021/acs.est.7b00752 (2017)

Van Dover, C.L. J. A. Ardron, E. Escobar, M. Gianni, K. M. Gjerde, A. Jaeckel, D. Jones, L. A. Levin, H. Niner, L. Pendleton, C. R. Smith, T. Thiele, P. J. Turner, L. Watling and P. P. E. Weaver. Biodiversity loss from deep-sea mining. Nature Geoscience 10: 464-465. doi:10.1038/ngeo2983 (2017)

McCormick, Lillian R. and Lisa A. Levin Physiological and ecological implications of ocean deoxygenation for vision in marine organisms. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. 375: 20160322. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2016.0322 (2017)

Gallo, Natalya D., David G. Victor, and Lisa A. Levin. Evaluating Ocean Commitments Under the Paris Agreement. Nature Climate Change 7: 833-838. DOI:10.1038/NCLIMATE3422 (2017)

Amon Diva J., Judith Gobin, Cindy Lee Van Dover , Lisa A. Levin , Leigh Marsh , Nicole Raineault. Characterisation of methane-seep communities in a deep-sea area designated for oil and natural gas exploitation off Trinidad and Tobago. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:342. doi:10.3389/fmars.2017.00342 (2017)

Sato, Kirk N, Jackson Powell, Dave Rudie and Lisa A. Levin. 2017. Evaluating the promise and pitfalls of a potential climate change-tolerant sea urchin fishery in southern California. ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsx225 (2017)

Neira , Carlos, Melissa Vales , Guillermo Mendoza , Eunha Hoh , Lisa A. Levin. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in recreational harbor sediments of San Diego Bay, southern California . Marine Pollution Bulletin 126: 204-214. (2018)

Levin, L.A. Manifestation, drivers, and emergence of open ocean deoxygenation. Annual Review of Marine Science 10: 229-260. DOI:doi.org/10.1146/annurev-marine-121916-063359. (2018)

Breitburg, D., Levin, L.A., Oschlies, A., Gregoire, M., Chavez, F.P., Conley, D.J., Garcon, V., Gilbert, D., Gutierrez, D., Isensee, K., Jacinto, G.S., Limburg, K.E., Montes, I., Naqvi, S.W.A., Pitcher, G.C., Rabalais, N.N., Roman, M.R., Rose, K.A., Seibel, B.A., Telszewski, M., Yasuhara, M., Zhang, J. Ocean deoxygenation - Causes and consequences in a changing world. Science, 359: DOI:10.1126/science.aam7240 (2018)

Vare, Lindsay L., Maria C Baker, John A Howe, Lisa Ann Levin, Carlos Neira, Eva Z Ramirez-Llodra, Amanda Reichelt-Brushett, Ashley A Rowden, Tracy M Shimmield, Stuart L Simpson, Eulogio H Soto. Scientific considerations for the assessment and management of mine tailing disposal in the deep sea Deep-sea tailings Disposal in the Deep Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:17 DOI:https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2018.00017 (2018)

Mullineaux, Lauren S. Anna Metaxas, Stace E. Beaulieu, Monika Bright, Sabine Gollner, Benjamin M Grupe, Santiago Herrera, Julie Kellner, Lisa Ann Levin, Satoshi Mitarai, Michael G. Neubert, Andreas M Thurnherr, Verena Tunnicliffe, Hiromi Kayama Watanabe, Won Yong-Jin. Frontiers in Marine Science. Accepted. (2018).

Niner, Holly, Jeff A. Ardron, Elva G. Escobar, Matthew Gianni, Aline Jaeckel, Daniel O. B. Jones, Lisa A. Levin7 Craig R. Smith, Torsten Thiele, Phillip J. Turner , Cindy L. Van Dover, Les Watling, and Kristina M. Gjerde. Deep-Sea Mining with No Net Loss of Biodiversity-An Impossible Aim. Frontiers in Marine Science. In press. (2018)

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