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Life at Extreme Sulfide Concentrations:
The ecology and evolution of Dorvilleidae at methane seeps
Support: National Science Foundation, West Coast National Undersea Research
Collaborative Research:
Metazoan Life at Extreme Sulfide Concentrations:
The Ecology and Evolution of Dorvilleidae at Methane Seeps
Project Summary
Millimolar H2S concentrations and the near absence of oxygen make methane
seep sediments one of the most toxic environments on earth, yet metazoan
assemblages persist in such settings. In microbial-mat covered seeps on
the upper slopes of the Pacific Northwest, these assemblages are comprised
nearly exclusively of dorvilleid polychaetes. At seeps located within
the oxygen minimum zone off the Oregon and California margins we have
identified up to 17 co-occurring dorvilleid species, including 10 in a
single genus. We hypothesize that this annelid group, through exceptional
tolerance to low oxygen and high sulfide concentrations, has found a suite
of niches which it alone has been able to exploit, and as a result has
experienced evolutionary release in the absence of predators and competitors.
Here we propose to use this dorvilleid assemblage as a model system with
which to investigate how metazoan communities evolve in and adapt to extreme
sulfide conditions. Integrated studies of the geochemical environment
with dorvilleid ecology and physiology will address mechanisms of niche
partitioning and explore how communities are organized under conditions
of extreme sulfide stress. Coordinated studies will be made of oxygen
and sulfide concentration in sediments, dorvilleid species distributions,
reproductive biology, and isotope- and molecular-based diet analyses.
We will conduct species-level physiological tests of sulfide tolerance
and thiotrophic bacterial activity, and in situ experiments to examine
responses to sulfide gradients. Studies of seep dorvilleid phylogeny at
several hierarchical levels will determine the evolutionary capabilities
of these metazoans to adapt to an extreme environment. By mapping ecological
features onto a phylogenetic framework, we will identify correlations
among ecology, physiology, life history and evolutionary history that
help elucidate the mechanisms of speciation under extreme stress. We anticipate
that dorvilleid polychaetes will ultimately provide a superb metazoan
model for integrated extremophile research.
Broader Impacts:
This groundbreaking research on how metazoans adapt and survive in extreme
sulfidic environments will further understanding of both early metazoan
evolution and the limits at which complex life can survive on this planet
(and perhaps elsewhere). This multidisciplinary project will introduce
undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral students and new faculty to other
disciplines within biology by blending original methods and questions
in physiology, ecology, molecular biology and phylogeny. Students will
gain experience at sea and share in the process of discovery. New partnerships
will be established among 4 universities and 5 PIs, most of whom have
not worked together previously. Results will be highlighted in a broad
range of undergraduate and graduate courses. The project involves several
young academicians and a hearing-disabled graduate student in the field
of deep-sea biology as well as undergraduates recruited through diversity
programs. A partnership facilitated by California COSEE (Center for Ocean
Science Education Excellence) will allow us to pursue a rigorous education
and outreach effort. Emerging findings will be incorporated as part of
a current NSF-funded Sea Floor Science project (ISE #0229063) at the Ocean
Colonization tray installed in a clam bed at Hydrate Ridge. The central
cup contains sulfide treatments designed to examine response of settling
macrofauna to varying sulfide concentrations.
Anthomastus ritteri (Cnidaria) on carbonate rocks at the Eel
R. Methane Seep (500 m)
Ghost net and a rockfish near Hydrate Ridge methane seeps, 800 m Oregon
Snail caravan, Hydrate Ridge methane seeps, 900 m Oregon Margin
Neptunia amianta laying egg towers on carbonate rocks, Hydrate
Ridge methane seeps, Oregon Margin
Parougia sp. nov. (Dorvilleidae: Polychaeta) Eel R. Methane Seeps
Colonization trayson a gear elevator, prior to deployment at Pacific methane
Seep Ampharetidae, Hydrate Ridge
ALVIN Recovery
AT-7 Scientific Party, July 2006
Seep mudwashers, July 2006
Some of the Levin Lab at Sea
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