Carlos Neira Publication List:
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Neira, C., M. Hoeneisen, M. Silva & P. Sammes (1984). Marine Organic Chemistry III. Isolation of 3ß,6a-dihydroxy-5a-cholest-9(11)-en-23-one from the starfish Stichaster striatus. J. Natural Products 47: 182-183.
Neira, C., M. Hoeneisen, M. Silva & L. Minale (1985). Marine Organic Chemistry IV. Structure of the principal aglycones from the starfish Meyenaster gelatinosus (Meyen, 1834). J. Natural Products 48: 848.
Neira, C., M. Silva, M. Iorizzi & L. Minale (1992). Marine Organic Chemistry V. Asterosaponins from the starfish Heliaster helianthus. Bol. Soc. Chil. Quim. 37: 139-142.
Neira, C. (1992). Benthic fecal pellets. Cycling of sediment and organic carbon by Heteromastus filiformis. Ph.D. thesis, Universität Oldenburg.
Neira, C. & T. Höpner (1992). Production of fecal pellets by Heteromastus filiformis and role in the organic carbon cycle. The Challenge to Marine Biology in a Changing World. 100 Years Biologische Anstalt Helgoland. Abstract Volume, Isle of Helgoland: 149–150.
Neira, C. & T. Höpner (1993). Fecal pellet production and sediment reworking potential of Heteromastus filiformis show a tide dependent periodicity. Ophelia 37: 175-185.
Neira, C. & T. Höpner (1994). The role of Heteromastus filiformis (Capitellidae, Polychaeta) in organic carbon cycling. Ophelia 39: 55-73.
Neira, C. & M. Rackemann (1996) Black spots produced by buried macroalgae in intertidal sandy sediments of the Wadden Sea: Effects on the meiobenthos. J. Sea Research 36: 153-170. PDF
Neira, C., T. Höpner & M. Rackemann (1998). Annual course of sediment parameters and meiofauna on a sandy tidal flat in the Wadden Sea after the severe winter of 1995/96. Dt. hydrogr. Z. - German Journal of Hydrography 50: 301–311. PDF
Sellanes, J., C. Neira, V.A. Gallardo, D. Gutiérrez, A. Soto (1999). Meiofauna metazoaria en una zona de surgencia costera de Chile central: relaciones con factores abióticos durante El Niño 1997-98. VIII COLACMAR, Trujillo, Perú: 752-753.
Gutiérrez, D., V.A. Gallardo, S. Mayor, C. Neira, C. Vásquez, J. Sellanes, M. Rivas, A. Soto, F.D. Carrasco & M. Baltazar (2001). Effects of dissolved oxygen and fresh organic matter on the bioturbation potential of macrofauna in sublittoral sediments off Central Chile during the 1997/1998 El Niño. Marine Ecology Progress Series 202: 81-99. PDF
Neira, C., J. Sellanes, L.A. Levin, &. W.E. Arntz (2001). Meiofaunal distributions on the Peru margin: relationship to oxygen and organic matter availability. Deep-Sea Research I 48: 2453-2472. PDF
Neira, C., J. Sellanes, A. Soto, D. Gutiérrez & V.A. Gallardo (2001) Meiofauna and sedimentary organic matter off central Chile: response to changes caused by the 1997-98 El Niño. Oceanologica Acta 24: 313-328. PDF
Neira, C., G. Gad, N.L. Arroyo, & W. Decraemer (2001). Glochinema bathyperuvensis sp. n. (Nematoda, Epsilonematidae): a new species from Peruvian bathyal sediments, SE Pacific Ocean. Contributions to Zoology 70: 147-159. PDF
Levin, L., D. Gutiérrez, A. Rathburn, C. Neira, J. Sellanes, P. Muñoz, V. Gallardo, M. Salamanca (2002). Benthic processes on the Peru margin: a transect across the oxygen minimum zone during the 1997-98 El Niño. Progress in Oceanography 53: 1-27. PDF
Sellanes, J., C. Neira & E. Quiroga (2003). Composición, estructura y flujo energético del meiobentos frente a Chile central. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 76: 401-415. PDF
Muñoz, P., MA Salamanca, C. Neira & J sellanes (2004). Nitrogen sediment fluxes in an upwelling system off central Chile (Concepción Bay and adjacent shelf) during the 1997-98 El Niño. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 77:305-318. PDF
Neira, C., L.A. Levin & E.D. Grosholz (2005). Benthic macrofaunal communities of three sites in San Francisco Bay invaded by hybrid Spartina, with comparison to uninvaded habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series 292: 111-126. PDF
Neira, C., W. Decraemer & T. Backeljau (2005). A new species of Glochinema (Epsilonematidae, Nematoda) from the oxygen minimum zone of Baja California, NE Pacific and phylogenetic relationships at species level within the family. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 292: 105-126. PDF
Levin L.A., C. Neira & E.D. Grosholz (2005). Invasive Cordgrass modifies wetland trophic Function. Ecology 87: 419-432. PDF
Neira, C., E.D. Grosholz, L.A. Levin & R. Blake (2006). Mechanisms generating modification of benthos following tidal flat invasion by a Spartina hybrid. Ecological Applications 16: 1391-1404. PDF
Sellanes, J. & C. Neira (2006). ENSO as a natural experiment to understand environmental control of meiofaunal community structure. Marine Ecology 27: 31-43. PDF
Arntz, W.E., V.A. Gallardo, D. Gutiérrez, E. Isla, L.A. Levin, J. Mendo, C. Neira, G. Rowe, J. Tarazona & M. Wolff (2006). ENSO and similar perturbation effects on the benthos of the Humboldt, California, and Benguela Current upwelling ecosystems. Advances in Geosciences 6: 243-265. PDF
Neira, C., L.A. Levin, E.D. Grosholz & G. Mendoza (2007). Influence of invasive Spartina growth stages on associated macrofaunal communities. Biological Invasions 9: 975-993. PDF
Sellanes, J., E. Quiroga, C. Neira & D. Gutierrez (2007) Changes of macrobenthos composition under different ENSO cycle conditions on the continental shelf off central Chile. Continental Shelf Research 27: 1002-1016. PDF
Contreras, S., S. Pantoja, C. Neira & C. Lange (2007). Biogeochemistry of surface sediments during El Niño 1997-1998 in the coastal upwelling area off central Chile (36.5ºS). Progress in Oceanography 75: 576-585. PDF
Grosholz, E.D. L.A. Levin, A.C. Tyler & and C. Neira (2009). Changes in community structure and ecosystem function following Spartina alterniflora invasion of Pacific estuaries, pp. 23-40. In: Silliman, B.R., Bertness, M.D. and Grosholz, E.D. (eds) Anthropogenic modifications of North American Salt Marshes. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California.
Rathburn, A.E., L.A. Levin, M. Tryon, J.M. Gieskes, J.B. Martin, M.E. Pérez, F.J. Fodrie, C. Neira, G.F. Fryer, G. Mendoza, P.A. McMillan, J. Kluesner, J. Adamic & W. Ziebis (2009). Geological and biological heterogeneity of the Aleutian margin (1965-4822 m). Progress in Oceanography 80: 22-50. PDF
Neira, C. & W. Decraemer (2009). Desmotersia levinae, a new genus and new species of free-living nematode from bathyal oxygen minimum zone sediments off Callao, Peru, with discussion on the classification of the genus Richtersia (Chromadorida: Selachinematida). Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 9: 1-15. PDF
Neira, C., E.D. Grosholz & L.A. Levin. Mechanistic processes driving shifts in benthic infaunal communities following hybrid Spartina tidal flat invasion. In: Ayres, D.R., Kerr, D.W., Ericson, S.D. and Olofson, P.R. (eds.). Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Invasive Spartina, 2004 Nov 8-10, San Francisco, CA, USA. San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Project of the California State Coastal Conservancy: Oakland, CA., pp. 141-145.
Thurber, A.R., K. Kröger, C. Neira, H. Wilkund & L.A. Levin (2009). Stable isotope signatures and methane use by New Zealand cold seep. Marine Geology 272: 260-269. PDF
Levin, L.A., W. Ekau, A.J. Gooday, F. Jorissen, J.J. Middelburg, W. Naqvi, C. Neira, N.N. Rabalais & J. Zhang (2009). Effects of natural and human-induced hypoxia on coastal benthos. Biogeosciences 6: 2063-2098. PDF
Neira, C., F. Delgadillo-Hinojosa, A. Zirino, G. Mendoza, L.A. Levin, M. Porrachia & Dimitri Deheyn (2009). Spatial distribution of copper in relation to recreational boating in a California shallow-water basin. Chemistry & Ecology 25: 417-433. PDF
Sellanes, J., C. Neira, E. Quiroga & N. Teixido (2010). Diversity patterns along and across the Chilean margin: a continental slope encompassing oxygen gradients and methane seep benthic habitats. Marine Ecology 31: 111-124. PDF
Gooday, A.J., B.J. Bett, E. Escobar, B. Ingole, L.A. Levin, C. Neira, A.V. Raman & J. Sellanes (2010). Habitat heterogeneity and ist influence on benthic biodiversity in oxygen minimum zones. Marine Ecology 31: 125-147. PDF
Neira, C., G. Mendoza, L.A. Levin, A. Zirino, F. Delgadillo-Hinojosa, M. Porrachia & D. Deheyn (2011). Macrobenthic community response to copper in Shelter Island Yacht Basin, San Diego Bay, California. Marine Pollution Bulletin 62: 701-717. PDF
Zirino, A., C. Neira, F. Maicu & L.A. Levin (2013). Comments on and implications of steady-state in costal marine ecosystems. Chemistry & Ecology 29: 86-99. PDF
Neira, C., I. King. G. Mendoza, J. Sellanes, P. De Ley & L.A. Levin (2013). Nematode community structure along a central Chile margin transect influenced by the oxygen minimum zone. Deep-Sea Research I 78: 1-15. PDF
Neira, C., L.A. Levin, G. Mendoza & A. Zirino (2014). Alteration of benthic communities associated with copper contamination linked to boat moorings. Marine Ecology 35: 46-66. PDF
Zirino, A., H. Elwany, C. Neira, F. Maicu, G. Mendoza, & L.A. Levin (2014). Salinity and its variability in the Lagoon of Venice, 2000-2009. Advances in Oceanography and Limnology 5: 41-59. PDF
C. Neira, G. Mendoza, M. Porrachia, C. Stransky & L.A. Levin (2015). Macrofaunal recolonization of copper-contaminated sediments in San Diego Bay. Marine Pollution Bulletin 101: 794-804. PDF
Zirino, A., H. Elwany, C. Facca, F. Maicu, C. Neira, & G. Mendoza (2016). Nitrogenous to phosphorous ratio in the Venice (Italy) Lagoon (2001-2010) and its relation to macroalgae. Marine Chemistry 180: 33-41. PDF
Rosli, N., D. Leduc, A.A. Rowden, M.R. Clark, P.K. Probert, K. Berkenbusch & C. Neira (2016). Differences in meiofauna communities with sediment depth are greater than habitat effects on the New Zealand continental margin: implications for vulnerability to anthropogenic disturbance. PeerJ 4: e2154; doi 10.7717/peerj.2154. PDF
Neira, C., J. Cossaboon, G. Mendoza, E. Hoh & L.A. Levin (2017). Occurrence and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments of San Diego Bay marines. Marine Pollution Bulletin 114: 466-479; doi 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.10.009. PDF
Neira, C., M. Vales, G. Mendoza, E. Hoh & L.A. Levin (2018). Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in recreational marina sediments of San Diego Bay, southern California. Marine Pollution Bulletin 126: 204-214. PDF
Vare, L., M.C.Baker, J.A. Howe, L.A. Levin, C.Neira, E.Z. Ramirez-Llodra, A. Reichelt-Brushett, A./A. Rowden, T. M. Shimmield, S.L. Simpson, E.H. Soto (2018). Scientific considerations for the assessment and management of mine tailing disposal in the deep sea. Frontiers in Marine Science 5: 17, doi:10.3389/fmars.2018.00017. PDF
Neira, C., J. Ingels, G. Mendoza, E. Hernandez-Lopez & L.A. Levin (2018). Distribution of meiofauna in bathyal sediments influenced by the oxygen minimum zone off Costa Rica. Frontiers in Marine Science 5: 448; doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00448.PDF